These Are Our



Udwarthanam which means ‘to elevate’ or ‘to promote’, is a special therapeutic deep tissue massage using herbal powders. This helps to burn the excess fat, improve both blood circulation and lymphatic circu- lation. It is effective to treat obesity, muscular dystrophy, motor neuron diseases, diabetes etc


Ksheera Dhoomam

Ksheera Dhoomam, as the name indicates, is a special treatment procedure where the patient is treated with the dhooma or steam coming from the heated milk

Janu Vasthi

Specially prepared warm medicated oil is kept over the knee with in a boundary made out of urad dal paste or specially prepared rim fixed over the paste. It is recommended for knee pain, osteoarthritis of knee, stiffness& restricted movement of knee etc.


Njavarakkizhi is a special massage with the paste of special medicines and premium kind of rice which rejuvenates the body, It is very effective In degenerative muscle diseases like poliomyelitis, muscular atrophy, etc. The course of treatment can last for 14 or 21 days.

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Arthritis is characterised by spontaneous pain and restriction of movement developing at joints of the body. According to Ayurveda, Arthritis is a condition which is caused by the accumulation of ama (A toxic by-product of improper digestion) and aggravation of Vata (Air). This ama circulates in the whole body and or gels collected at weaker sites. When it deposits at the joints where there is the aggravation of Vata, it results in a disease called Amavata or Arthritis. THL Ayurveda provides Ayurvedic Treatments for Arthritis which is safe, effective and helpful to prevent further progression.

The degenerative wear and tear process occurring in joints, osteoarthritis has an effective cure in Ayurveda Pain, stiffness, swelling, grinding sensation when you move the joint, etc., are the main symptoms of this commonest variety of arthritis. Almost any abnormality of a joint may be responsible indirectly for the development of osteoarthritis. The basic concept behind the treatment is to correct the metabolism to enable the micro-nutrients to be absorbed by the body arid to prevent further degeneration.

Hemiplegia is the total or partial paralysis of one side of the body that results from disease or injury to the motor centres of the brain. It causes the loss of muscle functions in parts of the body. This loss of communication causes difficulty to body movements and complete loss of communication prevents any willed movement at all. The symptoms may include numbness and tingling, pain, changes in vision, difficulties with speech, or problems with balance The main line of treatment is to bring back the motor and sensory functions of the brain, and for the purpose, both internal medicines and external therapies are prescribed.

Psoriasis is a non- infectious inflammatory skin disease characterized by well-defined erythematous plaques bearing large, adherent silvery scales. It causes a proliferation of the skin layers due to the excessive division of the cell in the basal skin layers. Severe itching also may associate with the plaques. In different forms and with different effects, the disease causes acute discomforts in kids, adults to aged people. Coming to the treatment aspects of the state, THL Ayurveda mainly provides treatments to detoxify the body as it helps in bringing back wellness to a great extend.

A specific form of arthritis, which attacks vertebrae and connecting bony, and ligament structures, is known as Spondylosis. Cervical spondylosis is a common degenerative condition of the cervical spine that most likely is caused by age-related changes in the inter-vertebral discs. In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Greeva graha. Pain in the back of neck, shoulder and arms, the stiffness of the neck and even paraplegia occur due to this condition.

Ayurveda has a more holistic approach towards curing Parkinson’s disease and at THL Ayurveda treatments are primarily intended to treat the whole body. This is a neurological disorder with earlier symptoms like tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with walking. The progression of the disease and the degree of impairment vary from individual to individual. THL Ayurveda offers exclusive Panchakarma thera- pies and researched internal medicines for treating the disorder. They are not just effective in controlling the symptoms but also in arresting the further progression of the disease.

Delayed development occurs in children when they have not reached their proper growth by the expected time period. The condition is characterized by behavioral disorders, poor vision, speaking disorders, hearing inabilities etc. Various panchakarma therapies and ayurvedic treatments are very useful in combating the disease.

Lumbar spondylosis is a common cause of chronic back pain. Ayurvedic massage, different types of kizhi. swedanam (medicated steam bath), lepanam (medicated herbal paste) etc., along with special herbal com- binations can be helpful in the cure of the disease.

Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease leading to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatigue. More commonly seen in women younger than 40 and in men older than 60. Ayurvedic treatment for myasthenia gravis available at THL Ayurveda, aims at treating the root cause of the condition by strengthening the nervous system as well as the muscular system, and giving specific treatment to stimulate neuromuscular junctions. Ayurvedic herbal medicines as well as herbal-mineral combinations which act on the central nervous system to strengthen each nerve cell are also used

Multiple Sclerosis is a degenerative disorder that affects nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. It is characterized by the intermittent damage to myelin- a fatty substance that surrounds and insulates nerve fibers, facilitating nerve impulse transmission. This can slow down or even block the flow of signals through the body, impairing such functions as vision, strength or co-ordination. The major treatment at THL Ayurveda offered for MS include diet, healing supplements and Ayurvedic therapies aimed at arrest- ing the progress of the illness and helping to alleviate the symptoms.

Excessive body fat accumulating on the belly, buttocks. breasts and thighs make the individual significantly overweight and the condition is known as obesity. A person is considered obese when the body weight is 20% or more above normal weight. It occurs when a person consumes more calories than he or she can burn. Once the weight has been gained, it is very unusual to lose it and often leads to diseases like diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. THL Ayurveda offers a comprehensive treatment plan for weight loss which is very effective for all age groups.

Addiction is a pathological condition arising due to the frequent use of drugs, medicines or alcohol. Under the condition, the affected shows a progressive usage of acute drugs, drug seeking behavior, decreased the ability to respond to stimuli or even decreased motivation to live. Ayurveda terms addiction as a social disorder as it leads to crime, violence and other disorders. To combat the condition, THL Ayurveda offers natural treatments for detoxification. Detoxification therapies, medicated emesis and purgation treatments, medicated bloodletting and enema are some of the treatments administered.

Yoga has been found to be helpful in the prevention & cure of various diseases. The postures mentioned in Yoga, the science of life(Asanas) are effective for maintaining fitness, providing relaxation, rejuvenation and to fight Obesity, Stress & Tension, Insomnia, Brochial Asthma, Cervical Spondylosis, Indigestion. etc. Yoga thera- py is that facet of the ancient science of Yoga that focuses on health and wellness at all levels of the person: physical, psychological, and spiritual. It comprises a wide range of mind/body practices, from postural and breathing exercises to deep relaxation and meditation. The expert trainers at THL Ayurveda hospital teach and assist the patients recovering from various diseases with the enhancing power of authentic Yoga practices

Naturopathy is a natural healing technique using the healing powers of nature. It finds the accumulation of toxins as the root cause of all diseases. This medicinal science presents prevention and elimination of toxins as an effective step to regain health. It is a drugless therapy, which mainly treats the diseases using the Panchabhutas the 5 great elements of nature. Naturopathy provides healing techniques for efficiently treating obesity, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypercholesterolemia, PCOS, Infertility, Constipation, Piles, Arthritis, Back Pain and other life style diseases. Various modes of naturopathy treatments including water therapy, mud therapies, rejuvenation massages, fasting, sunbath and Dietary Modification are practiced at THL Ayurveda. acupuncture treatments among its various curative programmes.